‘Her fate is at stake!’- Sturgeon under pressure to deliver independence or SNP has failed

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With some claiming a referendum is inevitable this year, Ms Sturgeon has been delivered a warning that if she cannot deliver independence, she has failed to deliver the SNP’s one true aim. Writing for Dutch newspaper, De Volkstrant, political commentator Patrick van IJzendoorn, claimed the fate of Britain lies in Ms Sturgeon’s hands. Despite being armed with a great opportunity to take Scotland away from the UK, Mr van IJzendoorn claimed the SNP faces a power struggle within the party.

In reference to the current to the inquiry into Holyrood’s handling of allegations against former First Minister, Alex Salmond, the commentator states there is a crisis to be fixed within the party.

With both Ms Sturgeon and Mr Salmond set to appear before a committee, he highlights this could be a problem which may well dent the SNP’s hopes of independence. 

Mr van IJzendoorn writes: “The row hits the heart of a dormant cultural struggle within the nationalist movement.

“Ms Sturgeon’s fate is at stake, and indirectly that of Great Britain.”

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If the SNP performs well at this May’s Holyrood election, the First Minister has stated she will bring forward an independence referendum before the turn of the year.

With the SNP commanding 61 of the 129 seats in Scottish Parliament, it would seem her intent to break up the UK may be possible.

Any formal referendum must be given approval by the Prime Minister but following Brexit, where Scotland voted to remain, and a raft of new polls in support of independence, the public outcry for a second vote has increased. 

A Survation poll released on January 18, stated 51 percent of the 1,020 who voted, want to break up the UK.

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Although 49 percent said Scotland should remain part of the UK, it marks the latest polling data to support independence.

SNP Deputy Leader, Keith Brown said: “With 19 consecutive polls putting support for independence above 50%, it’s clear that people in Scotland believe they have the right to decide their own future – rather than being subjected to Westminster governments that they don’t vote for, led by the likes of Boris Johnson.”

Although the Prime Minister has previously denied a second referendum, Ms Sturgeon has claimed Brexit has changed the parameters of the first vote.

She also made a fresh push for independence following the end of the transition period, which saw some Scottish fishermen suffer problems with trade.

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Hitting out at the agreement, Ms Sturgeon said: “Scotland did not vote for any of this and our position is clearer than ever.

“Scotland now has the right to choose its own future as an independent country and once more regain the benefits of EU membership.

“It beggars belief that in the midst of a pandemic and economic recession, Scotland has been forced out of the EU single market and customs union with all the damage to jobs that will bring.

“A deal is better than no deal.

“But, just because, at the 11th hour, the UK Government has decided to abandon the idea of a no deal outcome, it should not distract from the fact that they have chosen a hard Brexit, stripping away so many of the benefits of EU membership.

“And while we do not yet have full details on the nature of the deal, it appears major promises made by the UK Government on fisheries have been broken and the extent of these broken promises will become apparent to all very soon.”

If the country does leave the UK, Ms Sturgeon has made it clear that she will put forward plans to join the EU.

Although unclear how this will work in practical terms, she asked EU leaders to keep the “light on” following Brexit.

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