Paedo jailed for raping schoolgirl dies after catching Covid in prison

A predatory paedophile who repeatedly raped a schoolgirl and molested another girl aged under 10 died after contracting Covid-19 in prison that was declared a hotbed for the disease, a Prisons and Probation Ombudsman report has said.

John Adam, 71, became seriously ill while serving a 14 year sentence at HMP Wymott in Leyland, Lancashire, and was rushed to hospital on November 3, 2021.

He died on an acute respiratory ward on November 11, and investigators said that his care was not equivalent to the care he would have received in the community.

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Adam was jailed in November 2019 after a jury at Liverpool Crown Court unanimously found him guilty of three counts of rape and four counts of indecent assault on two victims when he was in his late 30s.

The two girls, from Newton-le-Willows, lived with their secret for years but eventually found the courage to come forward in 2017.

Nicola Daley, prosecuting, told the court one victim suffered severe mental health problems after the abuse.

The younger victim, who was in court to see her abuser jailed, also spoke of how it affected the way she now views her body.

The judge, Recorder Jeremy Lasker, said the older victim was Adam's "primary target" and he first abused her when she had a drink on New Year's Eve.

He said: "After that you embarked on a course of conduct towards her, taking advantage of any fleeting opportunity to corner her in order to kiss her, to touch her on the breasts or her bottom."

Adam's offending "significantly escalated" when he began regularly raping the girl, but she didn't think anyone would believe her.

The judge said: "She said in her evidence that what you had done had made her feel weak, disgusting and alone."

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A fatal incident report revealed that Adam had a number of serious, long-standing health problems which put him at high risk.

In January 2021, he was in HMP Garth, where he was advised to "shield" within the prison as he was "clinically extremely vulnerable".

However Adam signed a disclaimer confirming he was declining that advice.

A report found Adam did receive his first two covid vaccination doses, but was still waiting to receive a booster jab when he became unwell.

HMP Wymott, where he had at this point been transferred to, was declared a Covid outbreak site on October 25, 2021, and six days later Adam reported feeling unwell.

Initially his oxygen levels were normal, but he continued to deteriorate until he collapsed on November 3.

If you or somebody you know has been affected by this story, contact Victim Support for free, confidential advice on 08 08 16 89 111 or visit their website,


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