War fears skyrocket as Chinese media shares ‘three-stage battle plan’ for Taiwan invasion

China: Tom Tugendhat discusses stance on Taiwan

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The publication proposed a “three-stage battle plan” only a day after Chinese president, Xi Jinping, reaffirmed his pledge to reunify with Taiwan during a speech to mark the centenary anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The plan, published in Naval and Merchant Ships, outlined a rough three-pronged attack detailing the journey from initial disruption of infrastructure to the toppling of the Tsai Ing-wen’s government in Taipei.

According to stage one of the plan, DF-16 short-range ballistic missiles would be launched at strategic sites to eliminate the island’s defences.

The missiles would target airports, early warning radar, anti-air missile bases, and command centres to disrupt any resistance.

The article read: “The attacks against Taiwan’s airports would continue until [Chinese] surface troops had accomplished an assault landing.”

In addition, H-6 bombers and J-16 fighter jets would attack naval ports.

However, the report makes clear the naval areas would not be “completely destroyed” because the ports can be repurposed as landing sites for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

The second stage of the plan would involve a heavy bombardment using missiles.

YJ-91 and CJ-10 cruise missiles, unleashed from land, warships and submarines would target ammunition depots, communications, military bases and key road junctions to further disrupt Taiwanese forces and slow the advancement of reinforcements.

The paper then posits that drones would be used to assess the damage.

The final stage of the plan involves a full invasion by land troops.

A barrage from warships and land-based rockets would target any remaining obstacles, allowing PLA’s marine corps and amphibious landing troops to land safely.

On July 1, Xi Jinping issued an insidious warning to “foreign bullies” threatening they will “get their heads bashed bloody” if they attempt to interfere with Chinese plans.

Addressing thousands of people at Beijing’s Tiananmen square, the Chinese premier pledged he would “never allow anyone to bully, oppress or subjugate China.”

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In addition he reaffirmed China’s “unbreakable commitment” to unifying with Taiwan.

He said China would “fulfil the Chinese Dream of great national rejuvenation.”

However, an attempt to invade Taiwan would be muddled by the nation’s unofficial backing with Western forces which would likely draw in US forces.

Experts and top military chiefs have warned China could invade Taiwan in the next six years.

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