Russian cops probe circus act featuring animals wearing Nazi clothing

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Russian police are investigating a bizarre circus performance featuring a monkey in a Nazi costume and goats sporting swastikas, according to a report Wednesday.

The animals were caught on camera parading around the State Circus of Udmurtia in Izhevsk, with handlers dressed in Soviet uniforms last week, according to the UK Sun.

Wild footage shows goats in red Swastika capes hoofing it next to a monkey wearing a formal black Nazi uniform.

The performance — seen by kids and commissioned by the Russian Orthodox Church — potentially violates a Russian law banning the display of Nazi symbols, the outlet reported.

Local police and prosecutors are looking into whether the show glorifies Adolf Hitler or Nazi culture.

But the church said performers were simply using animal actors to depict the country’s historic victory over Hitler during World War II.

Izhevsk circusIzhevsk circus

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