Brexit plot: Brussels and Dublin briefing against Frost, warns ex-diplomat ‘It’s obvious’

Boris Johnson: Biden administration a 'breath of fresh air'

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And Adrian Hill – who nevertheless praised the choice of venue for the occasion – has lamented the fact US President Joe Biden has been dragged into the controversy – suggesting the decision to issue a so-called demarche in relation to the Northern Ireland Protocol was a “stunt”. Meanwhile, he also suggested the bloc was attempting the “trivialise” the entire occasion – and, like Brexiteer MP John Redwood yesterday, questioned why EU officials such as Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel were even there.

The row over the controversial protocol – which is intended to prevent a hard border on the island of Ireland, but which Unionist critics say has simply resulted in a border down the Irish Sea instead – continued to rumble on in the background as the summit got underway in Cornwall.

Mr Hill said: “There’s still briefing going on against Frosty.”

Details published in various media outlets could only have come from the EU or Dublin, or possibly from within the UK delegation, Mr Hill suggested.

He added: “As a former Director of British Information Services across North America one smell things in the wind.

“When one reads a story one’s first question is who is behind this?

“Some aspects are obvious. Or should have been to the White House. This is Britain’s first big outing as an independent nation since 1973.

“Boris wants to establish his country once again as an island of genius that may be small but gets things done and is incredibly creative yet practical. That’s a champion of freedoms.
“The leaders of South Korea and South Africa are invited but even with the Americans, Canadians and Japanese the EU are over-represented.

Mr Hill added: “The EU don’t want Boris to hold an important Summit for the democracies. They want it trivialised.

“As John Redwood asks – Why are they there at all?

“At home they’re all in big trouble. Ordinary Germans were never given a vote on whether to forego their D Marks. The Parliament voted away their safe money over their heads.

“All their post-war wealth is at risk as security for the rest of Europe, again done behind their backs as the German constitutional court has ruled.

He warned: “The latest bad news from the ECB is sorry folks, inflation will hit 4.5 percent this year. Interest rates presently are near enough zero. Germans are worried.”

Eurocrats were trying to focus attention on the Irish border and EU food rules rather than looking at ways of tackling the COVID-19 pandemic in poorer nations, how best to stand up to China and Russia, and what to do about climate change, said Mr Hill.

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As for the President, Mr Hill said: “Someone else – probably Dublin – is sent to plead with Biden’s White House that all the Brits have to do is follow EU food rules.

“(Which would end our fledgling independent trade policy and help pro-EU socialism in the UK. The EU supports the socialists in Switzerland for the same reason.)”

Mr Hill explained: “Biden’s staff are largely former Obama staff who believe that the USA should have Germany as its main European partner (despite Tanzania once being Imperial German East Africa) and that Britain must be forced back into the EU to keep things tidy.

“That’s been the philosophy of the Democratic Party and indeed parts of the CIA and Washington academia since years.

“Anyway, someone swallowed it whole. Joe’s staff claim he didn’t know anything about it. I find that hard to swallow.”

The demarche, defined as “a request or intercession with a foreign official”, which amounts to a formal rebuke, is widely reported to have been issued by US charge d’affaires Yael Lempert.

Mr Hill said: “Someone in DC ordered the demarche. To my mind it has to be the White House. With a G7 coming up and Joe’s first outing, no-one in the State Department would have set that in motion over Northern Ireland without the White House chop.

“The American lady in London was obeying careful instructions if she actually read the thing out loud. Someone in DC wanted a stunt.

“And I find it hard to credit that it wasn’t put past Joe’s staff.

“That raises the question that worries 120 admirals and generals in the USA. Who is actually Commander-in-Chief?”

Referring to the Queen, he said: “Ours is fine. She’s bravely decided to fill the hole in our lives from the loss of Philip – she’s cracking jokes.”

Mr Hill also had words of praise for Carrie Johnson, the Prime Minister’s wife, whom he credited with choosing Cornwall – and the Eden Project – as the setting for the summit.

He said: This is Carrie’s summit and judging from the programme, she’s done a great job, I have to say. I hope Dilyn gets a run on the sands.

Dinner at the Eden Project and bringing in David Attenborough are very clever as is the Cornish crab and lobster on the beach.

“She deserves a big thank you if it’s her idea as the theme. Let’s not forget a plug for the space port.”

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