Jelurida Africa Set to Host East Africa Blockchain Expedition on October 23

Africa-based blockchain organization Jelurida Africa has announced the date of its upcoming East Africa Blockchain Expedition starting from October 23, 2021. According to a press release, the expedition is designed to educate and promote blockchain technology in East Africa. 

30-day Blockchain Educational tour Across East Africa

The East African Blockchain Expedition is a 30-day tour across East African countries, starting in Ethiopia and ending in Tanzania. The schedule for the East Africa Block Expedition is as follows:

Ethiopia. 24th to October 26.

Kenya. 28th to October 30.

Rwanda and Uganda. 1 to November 3.

Zambia. 5 to November 8.

Malawi. 11 to November 13.

Mozambique. 16 to November 18.

Zimbabwe. 20 to November 22.

Tanzania. November 24.

Jelurida Africa has already scheduled meetings with major stakeholders, including government officials, tech hubs, banks, and universities, to organize multiple meetups and training on-site. 

The blockchain organization intends to educate participants on the concept of blockchain technology and how it affects their everyday lives. The expedition will also explore different applications of blockchain technology in finance and other sectors. 

An Innovative Way to Foster Blockchain Education

Jelurida Africa also intends to bring an innovative way of explaining blockchain technology to the common person. The common and usual method of blockchain education in Africa is largely theoretical, with few opportunities for newbies to learn the practical aspects. 

Jelurida is changing this by using the power of Ardor client and Ignis rich features to deliver a solution-focused training that allows participants to get first-hand experience on the potentials of blockchain technology. 

The expedition will feature the use of storytelling through personal experiences as a means to convey the potentials of blockchain technology. This process will be delivered using a relatable topic involving blockchain technology and its impact on people’s lives. 

Jelurida Africa will also offer individuals, businesses, and organizations insights and ideas on the growing trends in the blockchain industry. This will help ensure that attendees get the best knowledge on leveraging opportunities in the blockchain industry, and Jelurida Africa will offer free e-books and resources to foster continuous learning. 

Creating Sustainable Communities in East Africa 

The blockchain tour and expedition are the first steps that Jelurida is taking towards stimulating the blockchain industry in East Africa. Jeluridia intends to launch a new community initiative to foster the sustainable development of blockchain technology in East Africa. 

New communities will be developed from the expedition that will be supported by the organization to grow into fully-fledged projects. Jeluridia Africa also projects that the increase in blockchain enthusiasts and products will help position East Africa as a major region for emerging technologies. 

Jeluridia also intends to introduce the Ardor blockchain network to Africa. Ardor has been deployed in Vienna for the Hot City initiative, crowdsourcing waste and recycling it into the energy grid. An initiative on that level in East Africa could be huge, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels, saving costs, thwarting climate change and among orders. 

Jelurida Africa will also announce the launch of several prototype products within its ecosystem during the expedition, including and

Learn more about the upcoming East Africa Blockchain Expedition on YouTube!

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