Firefighters urge crowds to go home as blaze hits old cinema and nightclub

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Firefighters have urged crowds who gathered to watch a huge fire to leave and let them get on with tackling the blaze.

Members of the public are being urged to stay away from the fire in Preston city centre which broke out at the site of a former Odeon on Thursday evening (May 19).

Police, paramedics and twelve fire rushed to the location situated adjacent to the city's popular Evoque nightclub, with large black smoke seen rising above the skyline.

Two aerial ladder platforms and an air support unit were spotted at the scene as fire crews attempted to extinguish the blaze, reports LancashireLive.

Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS) said "large crowds" had gathered to watch the fire, and a fireman urged people to stay away form the scene and close close their doors and windows.

Incident Commander Taylor added: "There is smoke plume from the fire, as you would expect, and whilst there's nothing abnormal in terms of that smoke plume it is just for general safety [that we ask people] to keep doors and windows closed."

"I'd also ask people not to come to the area unnecessarily. There were large crowds gathering before and it just makes it easier for our emergency services responders to get in and out of the area, if we've not got those large crowds."

In a statement on its website, LFRS said: "12 fire engines from Preston, Bamber Bridge, Fulwood, Wesham, Leyland, South Shore, Blackpool, Great Harwood, Hyndburn, Penwortham and Tarleton; two aerial ladders platforms from Preston and Blackpool; the air support unit; and a command support unit from Blackburn are in attendance at a large building fire on Church Street in Preston.

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