How did the pandemic affect your day care? We want to hear your story

Colorado parents and businesses have had to make some tough calls during the COVID-19 pandemic, trying to figure out what to do about child care.

There are the parents who found themselves working remotely while having to take care of children at home whether it was because of school closures, day care closures or COVID exposures. Others had to figure out how to ensure their children were cared for while they went into work.

And in a state that is ranked among the highest for child care costs, some parents decided it would be more affordable to have one person stay home with their kids.

Businesses have also faced employee retention problems because of challenges with child care, coming up with various solutions from providing employees with stipends to starting on-site child care. Others are still trying to figure out what to do.

Child care workers have dealt with shutdowns, job losses and feeling overworked in a time where next steps are unclear. Owners are facing financial realities that make it harder to run their businesses.

If any of this sounds familiar to you, or if you have found yourself in another challenging situation with child care recently, reporter Saja Hindi wants to hear from you. If you’re a parent, a child care employee or worker, or a business leader, please fill out this form and we will get back to you.

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