King’s guard terrifies woman as he screams in her face for ‘touching him’

A King's Life Guard has sparked a debate online after he was filmed screaming in a tourist's face because she touched him.

In a video, which was shared to social media by @kingsguardofficial, shows the soldier standing near a crowd of tourists as a woman came up to him to pose for a photo.

The woman, who is dressed in a red hoodie while holding a rose, had a grin on her face which quickly disappeared when she got too close.

READ MORE: King's Guard sends 'traumatised' girl running in fear after shouting at her to move

She jumped back and yelped as the soldier screamed: "Do not touch the King's Life Guard."

Footage of the incident has since gone viral on TikTokracking up over 1.3million likes as it was posted with the caption: "He shouts in her face."

Over 30,000 people rushed to the comments to give their opinion, as some viewers thought that screaming at the tourist was "dramatic".

One user wrote: "He is so impolite and dramatic."

Another added: "She didn't touch him."

A third said: "Why doesn't he have to yell like that though? Relax guy."

However, other users defended the soldier and praised the soldier for doing his duty to protect the British royal family.

A user argued: "You have to know the rules before visiting."

A second said: "She has no right to be touching him tbh."

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"Very impressive guard, I can't wait to see them for myself," a third wrote.

On previous incidents where guards have been slammed online for screaming at tourists, an Army Spokesperson told Daily Star that "on occasions, the soldiers undertaking guard duty need to shout loudly to alert members of the public if they get too close".

A similar incident happened in July 2022, when a tourist got yelled by a Queen's Guard after touching the horse reins during a photo op.

The woman jumped when the soldier yelled at her, screaming: "Stand back from the Queen's lifeguard, don't touch the reins!"


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