Letters: Fly that flag proudly (1/19/21) – The Denver Post

Fly that flag proudly

During Donald Trump’s presidency, the flag of the United States has been usurped by his supporters as a symbol of support for him. The flag is supposed to represent all of the country’s citizens, not just Trump and his supporters.

To begin restoring the flag as a symbol for all of us, I respectfully suggest that every citizen, regardless of their political leanings, display the country’s flag on inauguration day.

Don Uhland, Westminster

Inauguration Day, Wednesday, Jan. 20, would be a great day for every American to fly our flag in the proper way. Flagstaffs should be used to hoist the red, white and blue, not as weapons to bash law enforcement officers.

Clark Strickland, Denver

Can Americans move on? Is forgiveness warranted?

Re: “Being wrong isn’t a crime,” Jan. 17 column

In her column Krista Kafer suggests that “we must do what does not come naturally — forgive.” She omits an essential step in the process of reconciliation: those being forgiven must show some form of
contrition or regret for their actions and beliefs.

Absent this, forgiveness becomes a meaningless gesture, leading to the forgivers becoming a Charlie Brown to Lucy’s football. Those who passively supported the perpetrators of violence, while perhaps not technically guilty of a crime, are certainly morally culpable, and deserve any shunning and disgrace they receive. As long as they continue to embrace the Big Lie of a stolen election, they deserve no forgiveness. They remain part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Hunter Cobb, Denver

Don’t have much use for Krista Kafer, usually. Today with her piece about forgiveness and thoughtfulness, I am recommending everyone read it. Thank you
Krista for being brave enough to tell the truth. Your editorial makes me feel brave as well.

Deanna Walworth, Brighton

Young, healthy lawmakers should not be first in line

Re: “Polis prioritizes officials for scarce COVID-19 vaccines,” Sept. 10 commentary

It is outrageous to me that, after assuring Coloradans that the most vulnerable would be vaccinated after the first responders, etc, we learn that Gov. Jared Polis somehow thinks legislators should have priority over those 70+. I am sickened seeing pictures of healthy 30-year-olds jumping in front of the elderly, who are dying.

How can any legislator under 70 years really think that they should cut in front of someone who will die if they get the virus?

The governor had a chance to see that the vaccine was distributed fairly.
Instead, he chose lawmakers over people unable to leave their homes and see their loved ones.

Lynne Rasey, Golden

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