Nuclear war fears as Putin ‘emboldening’ Iran to build nukes: ‘World should be worried’

Iran: Russia 'eager' to show friendship says expert

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US-Iranian efforts to revive a deal designed to stop Tehran building nuclear weapons are expected to conclude this week, the EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, who has been mediating the talks, said on Tuesday. Washington is yet to respond to the “final text” aimed at saving the deal, which was presented to US President Joe Biden’s administration and Tehran earlier this month after 16 months of tortuous negotiations. Tehran has responded to the text to revive the 2015 agreement, under which it agreed to restrict its nuclear programme in exchange for relief from economic sanctions.

After the US withdrew from the landmark accord in 2018 and reimposed sanctions on Iran, Tehran reneged on its promises and massively ramped up its uranium enrichment to 63 percent purity, moving it closer to the 90 percent level needed for weapons-grade uranium.

Amid the nuclear talks, a leading nuclear expert has claimed Russia’s war in Ukraine has encouraged Tehran to build nukes – an aim it denies.

Andrea Stricker, from the Foundation for Defence of Democracies (FDD) think tank, claimed Iran and other nations are “emboldened” by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Asked if the conflict had encouraged Tehran to develop nuclear weapons, she told “Yes, absolutely.

“I think Iran is emboldened. All authoritarian regimes are at this point in time.

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“After the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and our inability to do much with Ukraine.

“I think a lot of nefarious leaders think that this is now the time to accomplish their objectives.”

Russia was an original signatory of the 2015 nuclear deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), along with Iran, the US, Germany, France, the UK, Russia and China.

Putin has expressed his support for Iran, visiting the country last month in a rare international trip.

In recent weeks, there have also been reports that the US has intelligence suggesting that Iran is supplying Russia with “weapons-capable” drones to use in Ukraine.

Asked if the world should be “worried” about a potential Iranian-Russian partnership, Ms Stricker said: “Yes, absolutely. Especially with drones.

“It is really problematic that they will be funnelling drones to Russia to take out more Ukrainians. It could be really devastating to the war.”

As the nuclear negotiations have progressed, there have been reports of Israeli officials warning in private that they will do everything to stop the JCPOA being revived.

On Tuesday, Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz confirmed Israel’s opposition to the looming resurrection of the deal.

Pledging to try and sway the US against saving the accord, he said: “The State of Israel is not opposed to agreements in general, but it is opposed to the emerging nuclear agreement.”

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He added the deal is “full of gaps concerning the future danger of Iran in the technology sector, in the production of weapons and in contributions to the Iranian economy which will continue to strengthen support for terrorist organisations in the region and beyond”.

Although Iran has denied claims by Israel and others that it is seeking nukes, Ms Stricker explained how a nuclear deterrent would allow Tehran to exert its influence over Israel and the Middle East.

Speaking to about a nuclear-armed Iran, she said: “I think it would give them cover to expand their malign activities in the region.

“They would be able to do more to threaten Israel. They would do more to arm their proxies and militias and interfere in the affairs of other countries in the region for sure.

“We see what is happening with Russia when they invaded Ukraine.

“They have the nuclear deterrent to prevent NATO from interfering in the country or doing more as far as putting boots on the ground or directly engaging with the Russians.

“So, I think we can see very clearly that it gives countries the ability to carry out nefarious aims free of more interference.”

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