Breaking: Beeple's "First 5,000 Days" NFT Collection Sells For $69 Million

In an exciting crypto news today, “Everyday: The First 5,000 Days” a Non-fungible token (NFT) art collection by Beeple has sold for whooping $69 Million making it the most expensive NFT ever sold. Beeple is a 41 year old illustrator based out of Minnesota and his collection was a collage of 5,000 images that artist made in 5,000 days.

“The First 5,000 Days” becomes Most Expensive NFT Ever Sold

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are blockchain based marketplaces for artists to sell their artwork. Today’s sell marked at $69 Million has listed Beeple among the top 3 most valuable artists alive. This is not the first time, last week another Beeple art work, a 10 second video made headlines when it was sold for $6.6 Million.

Non-fungible token aka NFT craze has taken crypto market by storm with major influencers like Mark Cuban and prominent artists already supporting the new trend. NFT oriented crypto projects like Chiliz ($CHZ) are already witnessing a boom in their price and market cap.

The overall NFT market has crossed $8 Billion in no time and is growing at a rapid pace with top NFTs selling in Millions.

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