Why Garlicoin is a Good Investment? | Coinpedia News

This year has been amazing for the crypto domain, with more and more blockchain projects being recognized at the level they deserve. 

We like to think that this new type of currency makes financial activities more entertaining than those run by fiat. However, the reality is a little harsher. 

Although coins offer freedom from third parties like banks and governments, the general feeling is still the same. Traders are still in their stiff suits, and they’re stressed out every day.

Where is the fun of it? Why do financials look so gray when we are trying to picture them to our friends and families?

Garlicoin is going to change that.

What is Garlicoin?

Garlicoin is a new coin whose baking process took no less than four years. The developers made sure they find the best ingredients to make a change for our taste buds. 

And guess who the X-Factor is: Laugh. 

The development team made sure that they can offer a more entertaining experience while trading or depositing coins. So they looked around and found what element triggers the most smiles. And they found memes. 

If you like having fun, it’s almost impossible not to know all the garlic bread memes that spammed the internet two years ago. And let’s be honest, nothing is more beautiful than garlic bread. 

If these words bring such warmth to our hearts, why not make a coin out of it? And this is exactly how Garlicoin was born. 

What Benefits Does Garlicoin Have?

First of all, being a decentralized currency, Garlicoin is not prone to inflation. Therefore, there will never be more than 69 million GRLC on the market. 

A second benefit is its blazing trading speed, all the transactions being made instantly – as opposed to Bitcoin and other altcoins. 

And last but not least, it’s a highly convenient type of payment. The coin comes with its own wallet, available on Android – which means your garlic will always be in your pocket. 

What else?

Their roadmap is more than promising and demonstrates how easy the limits of cryptos can be exceeded when passion comes in. 

The team behind this coin doesn’t stop at forex trading facilities. The developers have great plans for it – branding the core currency of an amazing videogame, with monthly challenges of up to $100 rewards.

Garlicoin is all about fun, taking off those stiff suits and making financial activities an exciting way to spend your time. 

That’s why its market cap increases considerably by the day.

Ready to give it a try?

Disclaimer : Do your market research before investing in cryptocurrencies. The author or the publication does not hold any responsibility for your personal financial loss.

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